Color Splat Game
Created by: Michael William Steinberg, all rights reserved
Show Instructions
Color Blender
Red Green Blue ↑ Lighter
↓ Darker
↑ 20 ↑ 20 ↑ 20 ↑ 20
↑ 10 ↑ 10 ↑ 10 ↑ 10
↑ 1 ↑ 1 ↑ 1 ↑ 1
Color Display
↓ 1 ↓ 1 ↓ 1 ↓ 1
↓ 10 ↓ 10 ↓ 10 ↓ 10
↓ 20 ↓ 20 ↓ 20 ↓ 20


Generate random colors, then tweak ( up and down) the RGB (red, green and blue) primary components. Use the lighter/darker buttons to adjust the shade of the color. The color blender provides the color code and the codes of the primary (RGB) color components. When you are satisfied, click →  →  → Move #000000 to Splat Board →  →  →".

The Back and Next buttons let you chain through the unadjusted random colors generated. Click for New Random Color to generate a new random color.

Color splats show as random size rectangles on the Splat Board. New splats overlay older splats in the random positioning. Individual splats can be moved by pressing the mouse button and dragging. A dragged splat will overlay others.

Clicking a splat will update the color blender, displaying the color code and primary (RGB) color components. A dragged splat will also overlay others.

The Delete key removes a specific splat from the splat board. Mouseover or click the splat to be deleted.